*Written on 3/12/2020 - See links at bottom for updated information or evidencebasedbirth.com
COVID19 While Pregnant
According to data collected thus far, in birthing people that were infected with COVID19:
NO VIRUS was detected in nasopharyngeal swabs of the baby
NO VIRUS was detected in in amniotic fluids
NO VIRUS was detected in cord blood
NO VIRUS was detected in breastmilk.
There have been no maternal deaths reported.
Currently, there is no evidence that pregnant women are more susceptible to COVID‐19 infection and that those with COVID‐19 infection are more prone to developing severe pneumonia. There is also no evidence of vertical mother‐to‐baby transmission of COVID‐19 infection when the maternal infection manifests in the third trimester. Our opinions are in line with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID‐19 infection should not be the sole indication for delivery; rather, the patient should be duly assessed, and management, timing and mode of delivery should be individualized, dependent mainly on the clinical status of the patient, gestational age and fetal condition.
COVID19 With Children
Good news is that children typically have a mild course of infection.
Typical symptoms of fever and cough.
Only 9 infants (less then 12mon) hospitalized with mild symptoms
ARDS in one 13mo with complete recovery
One 3yo required ICU care with recovery
No deaths in children less then 10yo
Transmission mostly from adults to children
Prevention of COVID19:
Practice good hand hygiene
Avoid touching face
Avoid large crowds
Avoid those who are sick
Avoid unnecessary travel
Work from home if able
For more resources regarding COVID19 during the perinatal period, please visit http://nationalperinatal.org/COVID-19 for the latest, evidence based reports.
Margaret Rodeghier is a birth & postpartum doula, placenta encapsulation specialist, and Certified Lactation Counselor in Metro Detroit, MI. She has been providing professional services throughout Southeast Michigan since 2014, and attended her first birth in 2005. Margaret has 2 children that share her childhood love for Harry Potter and lego building. To learn more about her services you can find her at ProfessionalBirthSupport.com and m.me/TheGPdoula