Baby number 2 is due in a little over 3 weeks.
Things I'm looking forward to:
Not waddling like a duck
Not peeing every hour
No longer waking up in the middle of the night thinking I'm dying because of the extreme heartburn
A life without being kicked in the ribs
People no longer telling me that I'm huge
My clothes fitting again (ok, that's a long way off, I know)
Laying on my belly
Less back pain
The new baby smell!!!!!
A crisp, cold glass of white wine. or a margarita. or a beer. or champagne. or vodka straight from the bottle. I DON"T CARE GIVE ME BOOZE.
Things I'm NOT looking forward to:
Bleeding like I'm dying for weeks on end
Burning while peeing
Waking up all night long
Nipples raw, cracked and bleeding for a week or two
My mother in law telling me I still look pregnant the day after I delivered and laughing at me (yes this happened, yes she was serious, and I almost punched her in the face)
My mother in law getting abnormally close to me while I'm nursing
My parents coming by to help but just holding the baby while I clean or cook
Do you have any to add??